ABClatino Magazine Year 6 Issue 7 | Page 13

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Dora Inés Grosso García

Psicóloga Holística  /

Holistic Psychologist

[email protected]

Por / By Dora Inés Grosso García

Holistic methods of how

to take care of

the skin from the sun

Well-being and health are the qualities and benefits of receiving

the sun properly.

The sun's energy fills our body with vitality, joy, strengthens bones, skin and brain.

The sun's rays help create vitamin D, nourish the skin, and raise the immune system, increase the release of serotonin in the brain, generating harmony, tranquility, and concentration, and prevent depression. You can regulate blood pressure by sunbathing every day.

It is good to sunbathe in the morning and at sunset, during the day, avoiding too much exposure, use light-colored cotton clothing, hats made of natural materials whenever possible.

It is advisable to avoid getting burned by exposure to the sun, if this happens, we can use natural products such as aloe vera, bathe the area with plenty of water at room temperature.

To reduce sensitivity to the sun: drink enough fluids, vitamin C, eat foods high in beta-carotene, antioxidants that prevent aging, fruits, and vegetables, cover the part that is sensitive to the sun, avoid applying chemicals to the skin, use sunscreens of natural origin, such as essential oils of sesame, coconut, hazelnuts, among others.