ABClatino Magazine Year 6 Issue 5 | Page 15

Born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic,

Julio Valdez moved to New York City in 1993.

Working across various multi-cultural sensibilities,

he imbues his work with multifaceted imagery, responding to social and cultural changes in his life.

His work, which includes Paintings, Prints, Mixed

Media and Installations, has been exhibited internationally and has received numerous awards

and accolades, including the Artist-in-Residence

Grant from the Studio Museum in Harlem, New York, 1997-98, the Silver Palette of the XXXeme

International Painting Festival of Cagnes-sur-Mer, France, 1998, as well as the Grand Prize of the XVII Biennial E. Leon Jimenes of the Dominican Republic

in 2000, and the Scholarship of the Foundation for

the Arts in New York, 2003, among others.

Crédito de fotos / Photo credits: Sherry Lynn Felix

Artista / Artist: Julio Valdez

Curadora / Curator: Elisa Pritzker

The Grey Echo V / El Eco Gris V, graphite and oil on styrene, 12” x 10”, private collection.

Julio Valdez: Mapping the Layers

Art Museum of the Americas   

201 18th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006 

March 31 - July 3, 2022 / Tues-Sun, 10 AM - 5 PM

Del Aire al Aire / From Air to Air, after Pablo Neruda. Encaustics on panel.