Buddenbrooks (House):
The Buddenbrooks house (Lübeck,
Germany) was the central place
of the Buddenbrooks. Verfall einer
Familie ‘s novel (Buddenbrooks The
Decline of a Family) by Thomas
“ The cult blue background tapestries,
white gods arose, sculptural between slender
columns. Heavy red
curtains of the windows were drawn;
corners of the room,
in elevated flares gold,
eight candles burning,
in addition to silver
torches illuminated the
table. Above the massive buffet that faced the
landscapes paintings,
hung a large table: an
Italian Gulf whose tone,
a wispy blue was in this
light, an extraordinary
effect. Imposing sofas
stiff folder, hung with
red damask, ran along
the walls …”
Chapter 3, description of the room of gods in the
Buddenbrooks house
Bourgeois (Louise)
The psychological interrelation
between body and built spaces was
already apparent in the first works
Bourgeois did upon arriving in NYC.
In these well-knows works, titled
Femme-Maison, a house replaced
the head or torso of a female body,
while arms sprouted from upper
stories or a plume of smoke emerged
from the roof like a long ponytail.
Woman and house, body and architecture, fused into a claustrophobically literal conception of the term