ABCD Pittsburgh Chapter Newsletter November 2013 | Page 2
Message from the President:
s usual, bridges and infrastructure are in the news, and no one is happy…
Governor Tom Corbett recently visited the iconic Birmingham Bridge to hold a press conference to
encourage the state legislature to pass a transportation funding bill. Everyone reading this letter knows
the importance of a transportation bill in terms of preserving and improving the state’s infrastructure.
Political roadblocks (no pun intended) continue to prevent passage of a critical bill. As engineers in the
Transportation Industry, we must stress not only passage of a transportation bill, but passage of the
correct transportation bill, one focused primarily if not exclusively on preserving roads, bridges and
infrastructure while eliminating the waste we all too often see.
Also, The Leo Frigo Bridge which carries I-43 in Green Bay, Wisconsin has recently been in the news.
Contaminants in the soil caused corrosion of the steel piles, which in turn caused settlement of Pier 22.
Fortunately no one was injured, but this is just yet another example of deterioration to the nation’s
In happier news, the 2013-2014 ABCD season kickoff meeting in September was a great success with a
large turnout for James Andrews, PE and James Johnson, PE of PENNDOT District 10-0. The presentation
gave great insight into doing business with District 10-0, and the expectations District 10-0 has for its
consultants. ABCD and ASCE T&DI were very happy to cohost the event, and want to once again thank
the presenters and Bill Sofis of Sofis Company for sponsoring the social hour.
On November 14, Thomas Leech, PE, SE, of Gannett Fleming, will present on The Structures of Phoenix
Sky Train. This will surely be an exciting presentation, detailing not only the variety and complexity of
structural types, but also the challenges of erecting a bridge over a major international airport. Also in
attendance will be the North Hills Community Outreach, who will be detailing their efforts in helping
others. ABCD supports their cause and encourages its members to donate as well.
The ABCD Annual Awards Dinner will be held on May 21, 2014. If your company is considering
submitting an entry, remember that fall is a beautiful time to obtain bridge photographs.
For those interested in becoming more involved in ABCD, you are always welcome to attend the board
meetings which typically occur prior to the Social Hour. Our board and committees are always seeking
additional excited participants.
Alex P. O’Neill, PE
ABCD Pittsburgh Chapter President