Supporting C.H.A.N.C.E.!
Talk about stumbling onto a blessing! Talk about THY will be done on earth as it is in heaven! Talk about the vision of The R.O.C.K. coming to pass and we can talk all day about C.H.A.N.C.E. Last year our Foreign Ministry Team was invited to speak and minister to the Government, Business and Churches throughout Nairobe, Kenya. After formally meeting, Dr. Dana Carson, Sr. Pastor and founder of The R.O.C.K. World Outreach International, this school which was about to be without ownership, was offered to him and his ministry.
It is sad to hear how people will come to this slum in particular and take photographs of the children and living conditions and not provide any of them with anything. They are used as photo ops for brochures and commercial and not one penny is given to change their condition. That's another thing that makes this so special; when God observes a neglected and impoverished set of people and decides HE wants their condition to change, how special are the individuals HE selects! to
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4 AB Ministries / March, 2017