AB 219 Unit 8 Assignment Developing and Managing New Products AB 219 Unit 8 Assignment Developing and Managing N | Page 2

his wife choose the GaGa's brand over the use of Sherbetter as the brand of the product? Type the following phrase into your website browser: "Gaga Gourmet Frozen Dessert and Ice Cream." On the results page, identify retailer websites and social media websites that feature the Gaga's brand and product offerings. Explore these resources and identify a single Gaga Gourmet product offering. Discuss the following topics related to your chosen Gaga Gourmet product offering: Product Features Product Benefits Product Packaging Product Labeling Trademark Part 2: Defend Your Answer Challenge: Step 1: Highlight your multiple choice answer in yellow. Step 2: Write a 100 (or more) word discussion in defense of each of your answers to the multiple choice and true/false questions using research from your textbook to help substantiate your understanding of products and the new product development process. Apply APA style referencing in your writing.