AB 219 STUDY Start With a Dream /ab219study.com AB 219 STUDY Start With a Dream /ab219study.com | Page 28

Product Benefits Product Packaging Product Labeling Trademark Part 2: Defend Your Answer Challenge: Step 1: Highlight your multiple choice answer in yellow. Step 2: Write a 100 (or more) word discussion in defense of each of your answers to the multiple choice and true/false questions using research from your textbook to help substantiate your understanding of products and the new product development process. Apply APA style referencing in your writing. ------------------------------------------------------ AB 219 Unit 9 Final Project Professional Selling and Sales Promotion FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.ab219study.com You will prepare an audiovisual sales presentation that is supported by creative sales promotions as you assume the role of the new marketing associate for U Drive Transport. Scenario