fromstart to finish
Ever wonder why kids even start to get a bad body image of themselves in the first place? Well it probably doesn't help that the toy that most women and teens start out with is the world famous Barbie in which gives an image right from childhood that says they need to be beautiful with no flaws. What young girl needs to grow up from childhhod thinking that they must be perfect instead of enjoying life? They should be exploring theirselves to see what they enjoy or what they are about. So lets put an end to all these fake toys and show what young girls and women are really about and should be about. In this video, a guy has created a "normal" average looking,19 year old Barbie doll in which he is now trying to raise nearly $100,000 to produce in which he says should help girls have a beter self image of themselves. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. Does it really matter? Parents seem split about that choice. Some say they want their kids to play with "sexy" dolls in hopes that their kids will learn the value of self image whereas others want their kids to play with "normal" in hopes that their kids value being themselves. Personally, I think I would choose somewhere in the middle. My kids should learn the value of both. There is nothing wrong with having a normal look that doesn't require going out and dressing provacative or thinking that you have to look better than everybody else around you. At the same time, there is a problem if a young woman doesn't learn the value of self image and she decides to not take care of herself in return which then results in possibly staying at home watching television all day long, maybe not having friends, and living in an imaginary world that only they are aware of and then never learning how to function in society. So why not start from scratch, teach our young women and children from the start that it is perfectly ok to not be airbrushed, to have a few pounds in all the wrong spots, and to just be themselves. In the end, they need to learn that if somebody likes them based on beauty or sexy, then it is not a true friend or boyfriend anyway.