AAH MAY, 2014 | Page 6

What they need

Young women growing up need to be treated with knowledge and respect of people and for people in their surroundings. Nobody needs to wake up in the morning to see that they are ugly, or they are different from the world. They need to portray a positive outlook no mater what they wish to do with their day or their lives. Have you ever though about what the typical day of a teenage girl consisted of? Well I have not. I do not even want o think about how I would handle those everyday trials. They wake up, take a shower, do tehir hair and makeup, figure out what to wear so that their peers will like them better, watch what they eat, wonder who talks about them, and ultimately, who is real vs. fake. Who cares. Parents, teach your kids that life is about them, not those around them. If a young woman can not be happy with herself, then what hope does she have of even having a bright future. Self esteem starts at home. If you treat her like a princess then she is a princess and if you treat her like she is ugly or different then she is ugly or different. Some of you know what I mean. The rest of you, GET A CLUE!!

One thing to keep in mind. Guys are assholes. They tell you that you look bad so that you will ask their opinion on what looks good and then it ends up resulting in you looking and acting like what they want. Do not fall into the bottomless pit. Be yourself and wait for the right guy for you.

Individuality is a great thing is it not? We all have the right to be who we are and not care about the thoughts of those around us. "ALERT" This is a message to all young women out there. You all look great no matter what shape, color, or even deformity that you think you may have. You can stop being your own critic and live a happy funfilled life. It is time to take hold of the reigns and live out those fantasies that you have of getting old with the right guy or having the perfect fashion job, or even just being a stay at home mom with the kids.But if that is not what the dream is, then why conform to the ways of society? Take a stand. Do not be afraid of others and what they think. Most of the time it is just you thinking to yourself anyway which is generally always worse than what people really are thinking.

Life, It's happening

They are not all airbrushed. They are not all naturally beautiful.

They are not all perfectly formed.

They are not all uneducated. They are not all property. They are not all useless.

They are not all going to stay quiet and take your it.