A4 Childsafe Annual Report 2023-2024 - Digital - Singles | Page 4


1It is with great pride and immense gratitude that I present the Chairperson ’ s Report for ChildSafe South Africa , for the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 . This year has been marked by significant milestones and impactful initiatives that have furthered our mission to ensure the safety and well-being of children across South Africa .

While there have been many highlights during this period , I wish to emphasize the following key achievements :
• Safe School Zone Colloquium : During May 2023 , we successfully hosted a colloquium with key stakeholders to drive collaboration for the creation of safer school environments . The event attracted several key leaders including the Minister of Urban Mobility , Provincial Government leadership , the Member of the Mayoral Committee for Urban Mobility and the Former Head of the Trauma Unit at the Red Cross War Memorial Children ’ s Hospital .
• 45-Year Milestone and Legacy Programme : ChildSafe celebrated its 45th anniversary on 15 November 2023 , with the launch of the Legacy Programme , a testament to our enduring commitment to child safety and to the vision of the organization ’ s founder , the late Professor Emeritus Sid Cywes . The ChildSafe Legacy Programme will provide the ongoing support required to deepen our impact and continue the expansion of our national footprint .
• Walking to School Project : ChildSafe secured important funding for the Walking to School Project , which will see the initiative expand nationally within the Pedestrian Safety Hub . The Project will benefit children in the Mamelodi region , Gauteng Province and will run from April 2024 to March 2026 .
• Global and Pan-African Engagements : ChildSafe continues to add value at continental- and global levels . During this reporting period , ChildSafe participated in the Global Alliance of Cities for Road Safety , held in Cape Town , as well as the United Nations Environment Plan on Active Mobility Project . This invaluable work will contribute to the framework for the Pan-African Plan for Active Mobility .
ChildSafe values the power of partnerships to increase the reach and the impact of our work . We are fortunate to enjoy the ongoing support of several loyal funders and partners and I wish to spotlight three key partners within this reporting period .
• Western Cape Education Department : We extend our gratitude to the Directorate of Early Childhood Development for their ongoing support . During this reporting period , our Early Childhood Development Training reached 289 teachers directly , indirectly impacting over 1 700 teachers and support staff , and more than 15 000 children .