A4 Childsafe Annual Report 2023-2024 - Digital - Singles | Page 3

The overarching theme for this reporting period is “ People , Passion and Partnerships ” engaging with ChildSafe ’ s three strategic pillars : Research , Education and Advocacy . We align these with the three strategic goals set for the 2023-2026 Strategic Framework , namely : Agility and Sustainability , Reducing Preventable Injuries , and Advocating for Child Injury Prevention .

People , Passion and Partnerships through

Research , Education and Advocacy .
This report is penned in dedication to recognising the work of those gone before as we are standing on the shoulders of giants .
In particular :
a . The legacy of the late Emeritus Professor Sidney Cywes whose influence extended beyond his role as a surgeon at the Red Cross War Memorial Children ’ s Hospital ( Red Cross Hospital ). He was also instrumental in establishing ChildSafe South Africa . The ChildSafe Legacy Programme serves as a reminder of his extraordinary contributions and the indelible mark he has left on paediatric surgery and serves as a call to action for all who are keen to contribute to building a safer and healthier future for children worldwide .
b . It is further dedicated as a tribute to a champion for ChildSafe and child injury prevention , Professor Sebastian Van As . Under his guidance , ChildSafe South Africa has become a beacon of hope for safeguarding the well-being of children .
c . Lastly the support and collaboration with the Red Cross War Memorial Children ’ s Hospital Management Team and all role-players involved , under the leadership of Dr Anita Parbhoo as the Chief Executive Officer , is highly appreciated as we continue building the legacy to create a safer world for children .