A4 Childsafe Annual Report 2023-2024 - Digital - Singles | Page 32



People , Partnerships and Passion would be meaningless without the People , or the Partnerships , or the Passion . Our many stakeholders , donors , funders , and partners are a crucial part of our journey . We ’ d like to share three of the many highlights from this reporting period .
• The Child Protection Unit welcomes Woolsen the Bear :
Covid has come and gone and taught some good lessons . One such lesson was all about “ masking up !” Masks were all over and were repurposed . In this particular instance , who would have thought the “ birthing of Woolsen ” would happen in this way ?
Woolsen is a friendly bear who is made of 950 masks and was a member of the office of the Woolworths CEO . On 13 May 2023 , the Child Protection Unit at the Red Cross Children ’ s Hospital became the happy recipient , offering Woolsen a new home , a gift from the Woolworths Corporate Team . Dr Fatima Khan , who is the physician at the Unit , was more than happy to befriend Woolsen .