A Simple Path from Alcohol Misery to Alcohol Mastery PDF EBook Seb Grant Quit Alcohol Formula | Page 4

   Who should stop drinking? It is not always necessary to stop drinking completely if you have problems with alcohol. There are individuals who once drank heavily who have learned to drink in moderation. This is more difficult than giving up completely. It’s hard work and takes determination to learn controlled drinking if your drinking has been out of control. There are times when small amounts of alcohol will be damaging or dangerous, such as: • when there is evidence of medical damage caused by alcohol, which is likely to get worse with continued drinking. The liver, pancreas, brain and other parts of the body may be harmed by alcohol. This can become permanent and may prove fatal • if continued drinking is likely to prove harmful to other medical conditions not originally caused by alcohol • if you have already tried to cut down on the amount you drink, but have been unable to do so for very long. In this case it might be best for you to quit alcohol altogether. There are other reasons for not drinking. Drinking may be the cause of, or contributing to, problems at home or at work. Spending too much money on drinking may leave you short of money, even in debt. Here are three questions to ask yourself: 1. What are the problems? 2. What will happen if I don’t stop drinking? 3. What kind of person (for example, mother, father, grandparent, husband, wife, partner, of value to others, self- respecting) do I want to be and how is the drinking getting in the way of being that person? Getting the most out of this booklet Take an active part in solving your problems. Make the effort to understand the ideas and apply them. There are exercises to complete. Stopping drinking is about working with you towards a happier and healthier life. Reading through the booklet once will not be enough. Read it slowly and carefully, at least two or three times. Mark the parts that apply to you. Keep the booklet handy so you can refer to it easily. Spend time going over it regularly, even when things are going well. The advice will work if you review and apply the ideas suggested until not drinking has become an accepted way of life for you.