A Simple Path from Alcohol Misery to Alcohol Mastery PDF EBook Seb Grant Quit Alcohol Formula | Page 16

   Outside cue Inside cue Response Argument with partner Thought: I’ll show them a thing or two Get cans of beer from the fridge and start drinking Feelings: Hurt or anger In pub with friends Thought: I’ll have a good blow- out tonight Drink too much – too quickly – get drunk Feelings: On top of the world At home on Saturday night, alone Thought: Maybe a drink will cheer me up Drink a half-bottle of whisky or bottle of wine Feelings: Sad or lonely Exercise 1: Your cues The next exercise points out situations that can lead you to drinking. Think about your drinking habits in the past six months. How often have you ended up drinking in each of the situations listed? Put a circle around the number that best describes your answer. The numbers range from 0 for ‘never’ to 3 for ‘almost always’. 1. When I was feeling ‘low’ (eg sad, lonely, depressed, worried). 0 1 2 3 2. If I felt under pressure and wanted to relax (eg anxious, problems to solve, nothing going right, things on my mind). 0 1 2 3 3. When I felt threatened in any way (eg had to justify myself, was afraid, had an argument). 0 1 2 3 I drank