A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice | Page 61

A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice Ministry of Education, Singapore. (2010). MOE to enhance learning of 21st century competencies and strengthen art, music and physical education. Retrieved October 2014, from http://www.moe.gov.sg/media/press/2010/03/moe-toenhance-learning-of-21s.php Ministry of Education, Singapore. (2014). Opening Remarks by Ms Ho Peng, Director-General of Education, at The Principals’ Forum and PISA 2012 Problem Solving Results Launch on 31 March 2014, 2.30pm at Victoria Junior College. Retrieved October 2014, from http://www.moe.gov.sg/media/ speeches/2014/03/31/opening-remarks-by-ms-ho-peng-atthe-principals-forum-and-pisa-2012-problem-solving-resultslaunch.php Moon, J. (1999). Learning journals: A handbook for academics, students and professional development. London: Kogan Page. Parncutt, R. (2007). Can researchers help artists? Music performance research for music students. Music Performance Research, 1(1), 1-25. Ritchhart, R. & Perkins, D. (2008). Making thinking visible. Educational Leadership, 65(5), 57-61. Retrieved April 2014, from http://www.visiblethinkingpz.org/VisibleThinking_html_ files/06_AdditionalResources/makingthinkingvisibleEL.pdf Smith, M. K. (2001). Donald Schön: Learning, reflection and change. The Encyclopedia of Informal Education. Retrieved November 2014, from http://www.infed.org/thinkers/et-schon.htm 58