A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice | Page 59

A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice Conclusion This study set out to examine the use of reflective practice, like reflective journaling and dialogue, in developing our students’ listening and ensemble performing skills. The journal entries and dialogue transcripts collected showed that reflective practice can provide a viable platform for students to become more aware of their individual challenges and strengths in their pursuit of music knowledge and skills. Furthermore, students were able to exercise their decision-making skills in such reflective practice, re-thinking the ways in which they approached music performing and, hence, broadening their experience and kn owledge. With reflective practice, not only did students demonstrate progress in their music learning, but there was also evidence of positive effects on their emotional wellbeing in the learning process. From the data collected, we as CCA teachers also gained deeper insights into why and how to better promote a reflective culture in our quest to infuse 21CC into the Guitar Ensemble CCA. 56