A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice | Page 4

Contents 02 Acknowledgements 03 Foreword 04 Arts Pedagogical Research Fund 06 Co-operative Learning Structure in Group Music Composition Adela Josephine Juying Primary School 34 Use of Reflective Practice in Developing Students’ Listening and Ensemble Performing Skills in Guitar Ensemble Co-Curricular Activity Chen Li Yan, Huang Yewei Martin St Patrick’s School 70 Becoming a Reflective Practitioner: A Music Teacher’s Exploration of Singing Games Allen Losey, Mohamed Salleh Mohamed Yasin Tampines Primary School 110 Benefits of Informal Learning Pedagogy and Popular Music with Normal Technical Students: SelfDirected Learning through the Use of Technology Pauline Fong Liew Yueh Jurongville Secondary School