A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice | Page 39

A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice Introduction The Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) has been steadily making the transition towards student-centric values-driven education through the teaching and learning of thinking skills and 21st Century Competencies (21CC) (MOE, 2014). The 21CC framework (MOE, 2010) focuses on the importance of equipping our students with the values, competencies and outcomes they must have to thrive in today’s rapidly changing society. With the growing nation-wide emphasis on development of skills for lifelong learning, we realise the increasing need to develop students as reflective learners. Using reflective practice to help students identify their own strengths and weaknesses as well as make responsible decisions, we sought to raise self-awareness in our students and inculcate in them a greater ownership of their learning, which are part of the social and emotional competencies specified in the 21CC framework. According to the MOE 2015 Primary / Secondary General Music Programme Syllabus, music learning plays a role in developing 21CC in our students. The processes of creating and performing ensemble music provide a natural platform and opportunity to engage our students in decision-making. This is in line with the greater emphasis on Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) in schools as another important platform to develop these competencies. In our school, structured reflective practice, such as use of reflection journals and reflective dialogue, had been used widely in our students’ leadership training camps. However, it had not been widely extended to the CCA groups, in particular, the music CCA groups in our school. In our study, we sought to experiment and examine the use of reflective practice as a tool to capture students’ musical learning experiences on an instrument. The research questions that we addressed are: 1. To what extent is the use of reflective practice effective in examining the musical learning experiences in students? 36 2. How can reflective 3. What are the students’ practice facilitate the perceptions concerning development of ensemble the value of using reflective performing skills in a new practice in their musical ensemble setting? learning experiences?