A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice | Page 22

Co-operative Learning Structure in Group Music Composition Table 4 below shows a sample of the specific codes organised into the categories that fall under the theme ‘Working in groups’. C Working in groups C1 Interaction between peers C1.1. C3 Group decision making C3.1. C3.2. C3.3. C3.4. C3.5. Peer coaching (pointing at notes, clapping the rhythm, singing the notes, counting the beat) C1.2. Peer correction C1.3. Peer demonstration C1.4. Asking peer for clarification of concept/task C1.5. Explaining concept / task to peer C1.6. Consulting peers for opinion C1.7. Guiding peer to practise his part C1.8. Peer support (holding the paper, removing the F & B on instrument) C1.9. Peer checking C1.10. Peer reminder (to stay on task, to complete the melody part) C1.11. Giving peers instruction C1.12. Disagreement C3.6. C3.7. C4 Leader’s roles C4.1. C4.2. C4.3. C4.5. C4.6. C4.7. Dominant personalities dominate the discussion Members suggesting ideas Questioning the credibility of input Discussing the unsure parts repeatedly Members stating weaknesses & preferences of roles / instruments to play Conforming / yielding to one idea Voting on who to play the instrument (Group 2) / lyrics Leader asking members’ preferences Leader reminding pupils to stay on task Leader mediating disagreement Leader cueing when to play the parts (performance) Leader assigning roles to members Leader scolding non-participative members Table 4: Sample of Code Category 19