A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice | Page 21

A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice Data Analysis Preliminary Coding Since I was handling multiple data sources requiring complex analysis, I decided on a two-step coding process. The first process was to scribble some notes on the right hand column of the transcription scripts, jotting down phrases that captured the essence of the data. I also copied the phrases (i.e. the preliminary codes) onto another piece of paper. The purpose of this was to collate all the phrases before categorising them. Before categorising the codes, I also jotted down some phrases containing key ideas from the literature review pertaining to the topics of ‘co-operative learning’ and ‘music composition’. This helped me re-word the codes when categorising them. While re-wording the codes or categorising them, I was working out response to the research questions in my head. Therefore, when I interpreted a particular behaviour or discussion displayed by students, I would relate it to the vocabulary within my literature review. This flowed into the second process, which was to re-word the codes before categorising them further. The lesson transcripts were coded first, before I moved on to the interview transcript, and finally, the reflection journal. Categorising and Labelling Codes The re-worded specific codes I gathered from the first coding process were categorised into a more general codes category such as ‘Leader’s role’, ‘Interactions between peers’ and ‘Group decision making’. After that, I further grouped these general codes categories into a theme such as ‘Working in groups’, ‘Music composition activities’ and ‘Teaching and instructional methods’. The specific codes were then labelled according to the categories. This helped in analysing the data, especially when I wanted to quote from students’ script on a particular idea. 18