A Look at Our 2023 Board Report 2023 | Page 75


V-Day ’ s newest blog series : Afghan Women Speak , Stories from Inside Afghanistan will launch late April . The blog will amplify the stories and voices of Afghan women who can never be silenced as they share the reality of their lives on the ground . It is part of our ongoing RISING for and with the women of Afghanistan as we seek out ways we can directly help , and , as always , place emphasis on the fact that local women best know what their communities need .
Every day , the rights of millions of women in Afghanistan continue to be violated , stripped and threatened . Women currently have lost access to education , jobs , and multiple other freedoms , such as traveling without a male chaperone and utilizing public spaces like parks and gyms .
We believe the women of Afghanistan have the right to education , to travel , to freedom of movement , to jobs , to security , just having freedom to be able to breathe and be .
We cannot underestimate the power of our solidarity at this moment . We RISE with you , our Afghan sisters .