A Look at Our 2023 Board Report 2023 | Page 60

YOU ARE CARED FOR , a program of Black Girls Glow , makes sexual health educational content easily accessible and consumable for all women and girls ( cisgender , transgender & non-binary ) in Ghana , with the goal of increasing awareness of comprehensive sexual health education , reducing the risk of unwanted pregnancy , STIs , sexual exploitation and other negative elements related to sex and sexuality .
COST OF LIVING , a film by Moara Passoni , explores the true story of revolutionary housewife Ana Santo and her community who stood up to the military dictatorship for fair wages and against hunger in Brazil . Audiences will understand what it feels like to inhabit a body marked by hunger and societal hatred . They will follow Ana as she overcomes the overwhelming pressure needed to break the mold and see how her sense of self transforms and her relationship to her body is healed as the community teaches her to love herself . As people living in the developed economic center of cities , it is difficult to truly understand what it means to live on the “ outskirts ”. In Brazil , it means that you are putting your life and your ability to love on the line whenever you fight for your rights . Passoni ’ s hope is for the audience to care about Ana and to understand what is at stake for her . She hopes that the themes of finding the courage to love and feeling love ’ s power are recognized in the film .
MAROON INDIGENOUS WOMEN CIRCLE ’ S TRADITIONAL UNIVERSITY is a new educational institution and healing center for women in Jamaica . The curriculum will be based on life experiences and will focus on reparation / restorative justice , cognitive behavioral therapy , Maroonage principles , African spirituality , herbal medicine , arts , culture , etc . The university will also help to facilitate and accommodate the many researchers , historians , anthropologists , environmentalists and university interns who visit both locally and internationally year round .