A Look at Our 2023 Board Report 2023 | Page 59


SOLIDARITY FARMS JAMAICA is led by Afia WalkingTree . Seed funding will create a home-base for the program , critical because spaces of support for gender-based violence are rare . The 4 bedroom hub of operations will serve up to 500 community members in a variety of ways , including serving as a safe haven for any seeking refuge from violent experiences . The space will offer : Earth-based , hands-on indigenous spiritual , emotional and wellness modalities in the form of yoga , meditation , trauma release workshops , heart circles , and individual therapeutic coaching to support safe and brave transformation from trauma will be offered . Cultural and expressive arts education will address endemic wounds of colonialism , racism , patriarchy , and gender binaries through African diasporic legacies of drumming , dance , song , Maroon indigenous crafts , and Taino indigenous wisdom practices that re-infuse the remembrance of a dynamic heritage . Transformative leadership training and mentorship programs for women survivors who express a desire to become entrepreneurs , or who are already stewarding community-based visions to shift the power dynamics or work , school , and economic life . Regenerative farming and land design training to support financial and emotional freedom to shift thinking from extractive rape relations with the land to honorable harmonious relationships using permaculture , spiritual ecology , and land stewardship practices and provide valuable farming , distribution , and marketing training .
AGNES PAREYIO LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT to provide Agnes with resources in support of her visionary leadership .