• EMPOWERED WOMEN in the communities from being victims to survivors to leaders
• Been a venue and platform where the MOST MARGINALIZED women have been able to exercise their rights and to participate
• Increased the spectrum with which activists can INTERACT with women , girls and LGBTQI + in community on issues
• ENCOURAGED people from all communities to join
• Encouraged people to think and has PROMOTED THINKING
• Given women the platform , the CONFIDENCE and the belief to advocate for their issues
• Every year , given NEW INSIGHT into new and creative ways and innovative strategies to be able to pass the OBR message and vision to communities
• Been adopted by MANY GROUPS – mostly groups that do not depend on big funds from companies
• Formed many women ’ s COALITIONS and alliances
• Enabled those who have participated to commit to being AMBASSADORS of women ’ s rights
• Given SPACE FOR MEN to change from being perpetrators of violence against women , to protectors of women ’ s rights in their families and communities
• Created STRONGER BONDS and friendships among women who participate , inspiring new collaborations and initiatives in the advancement of women ’ s rights and freedoms
• INSPIRED GOVERNMENTS to run similar creative and political campaigns on national levels
• Brought POWER to the people – what was initially brought by NGO ’ s or organizations and groups , now are led by people in the communities
• Created NEW LEADERS – from the youth risings that get stronger and bigger each year
• Brought CONNECTION , inspiration and aspiration
• Become a platform for KNOWLEDGE SHARING – particularly intergenerationally
• Broke open many cultural and social TABOOS
• UNITED instead of divided countries and regions
• Been an AMPLIFIED VEHICLE for many closed doors to open on the ground – politically , socially , culturally
• Built stronger and BIGGER NETWORKS , and united social justice movements – which has brought attention to local and national governments
• Influenced NATIONAL POLICIES on law , national decision-making and local leaders
• Created BETTER DYNAMICS for local media to have a GBV sensitive approach on reporting on issues
• Enabled women ’ s PARTICIPATION in leadership and decisionmaking from the community to national level
• Been recognized as a vital part in CIVIL SOCIETY , engaging different feminist and social justice groups – becoming a stronger and stronger voice for communities .
• Modelled what SOLIDARITY looks like – because it also regularly joins and supports other campaigns and events
• Created nation-wide , INCLUSIVE AND INTERSECTIONAL movements
• Given strength , hope , joy , creativity , inspiration and determination to local campaigns , in the face of every adversity , because of its global vision , global solidarity and GLOBAL INTERCONNECTEDNESS