SOUTH AFRICA Held a huge event with singing and dancing , with SA indigenous groups , community groups and LGBTQI + communities , as well as groups working with sex workers . Their focus was to look at freedom and how their government is currently load shedding causing havoc to their lives – with no water and running water . And how this is impacting the communities and everyday life .
MALAWI Main event highlighted rising to be free from sexual harassment , patriarchy , early marriages .
GHANA Rising focused on freedom of abuse against the youth – with discussions with police and the health department , community women and youth – which culminated in art and dancing .
LESOTHO Rising celebrated the passing of the Domestic Violence law which has been ongoing for the past 15 years . Main rising also highlighted the rights of widows – with a TV program where they discussed domestic violence , discrimination and violence against widows , and trafficking .
UGANDA Main rising event focused on rising for economic freedom and for financial freedom . As well as addressing the mental health challenges women face as a result of economic violence . A march took place through communities and in marketplaces where a lot of women work , with women dancing and carrying OBR placards to encourage women to not give up on their financial and economic dreams . March included speakers who are survivors of violence .
CAMEROON This years ’ theme was “ grab your financial and mental freedom ”. Focus was on university students who have had to endure sexual harassment , including succumbing to sexual advances to earn grades . Another issue highlighted was young girls having to give their bodies for secure jobs . Main rising included speeches , Break the Chain flash mob ( which they have translated and recorded locally in French ), talks and more dances .