A Healthy Lifestyle December 2013 | Page 7

Why should you eat well?

Your choice of the food you eat

has a fundamental effect on your

health. One of the easiest ways

to attain a healthy life style is to

follow a healthy regime of

nutrition. Nutrition is the process

of providing or obtaining the food

necessary for health and

growth.Nutrition will not only help

build a perfect physical image of

the body, it will also help build a

perfect biological one. It will make

it easier to obtain a healthy

weight and avoid the

development of chronic diseases.

In addition, it also helps improve

one's blood circulation through

the body, heart state, blood

pressure and sugar levels,

muscular formation, fat burning,

and many other biological

processes that occur our bodies.

Some people find it a very hard

process to follow because it is not

fixed; it always changes.

However, that should not stop us

from eating healthy, as there are

basics that must be kept into

consideration at all times. Some