with the people around you, both the physical and social relationships. Prioritise your effort in making your relationships good with others. Make time for your close friends, meet up with them every once in a while. Many studies show that people who have many social relationships have less risks of developing diseases than people with little social relationships. Friends make you happy and cause you to laugh, laughter and similar positive attitudes toward life are very beneficial for one's health. Moreover, make your sex life active. A healthy sex life has many advantages for our health such as elimination of depression, enhanced immunity, and better fitness. Stress counts as part of the negative energy that can reach us, thats why it is important to take a few amount of time to get rid of the stress that haunts us in any unpleasant event. Don't worry about that things that happened in the past and focus more on the present events in your life, and if these events are negative don't just feel desperate and hopeless, try to fix them. Feelings of despair and hopelessness can have very poor results on our health in terms that one might lose his/her appetite, and start eating less or if stress is extreme it can cause depression.
Loss of appetite forces people to eat less meals, such a thing is very hard on our bodies because the proper blood-sugar levels will be unsustainable. Positive moods and attitudes toward life have incredible effects on our healths. Psychological research suggests that there are 3 aspects of health that are correlated with happiness. Firstly, the ill-health frequency, the speed of recovery of your illness, and finally the length of your life time. The evidence psychologists used was that being optimistic and hopeful are major components of longevity as they help in decreasing the risk of developing diseases which a gives you a higher chance of living more. Research and scientific studies show that people with positive moods and energy have fewer death rates, fewer cases of cardiovascular diseases, fewer suicide attempts, fewer metal disorders, and fewer cases of severe depression because they don't consume alcohol or drugs as much as people who are filled with negative energies. Positive energy helps us develop stronger immune system which make us resist diseases as infections and heart-related.