proteins are for our bodies,
proteins can be found in fish,
poultry, eggs, turkey, and chicken.
7- In order to form muscles and
be physically strong you need
vitamin D and calcium which
come from dairy most of the
time, but its always better to
stick to non-fat dairy products
because dairy holds a big
amount of unhealthy saturated
fats that can spread throughout
your whole body and cause
gain of weight.
8- Now that we mentioned the
foods that should be consumed,
we will list a few that should
not be eaten frequently. Red
meat and butter for example
should be consumed as less
as possible because they may
increase your risk of getting colon
cancer because they hold lots of
saturated fat. Same goes for the
refined grains which are basically
potatoes, sweets, salts. They
increase blood sugar levels and
always make you feel hungry
which will result in gain of weight
as you are exposed to eating