A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 | Page 59

Welcome back. The first question is how did you do? Did you manage to regain control of your own mind? Were you able to regain control from the nutter who currently has it? Did you for the first time get to meet this little saboteur? Was it a rewarding experience? Or was it something that you just read and didn’t really pay attention to? I expect that after a while you were able to hold on to that positive thought for 15 seconds, although it was actually a lot harder than you thought it would be. However, here’s a way to make it far easier to go well past 15 seconds with no effort. Go back to your wonderful thought and think about it more, re-live it. Remember how good that feeling was then and start to feel it... not just think it… Go back, and experience it again. With me I felt the surface of the aircraft, the feel of the door opening, how it felt when I sat in the seat. The smell of the morning grass covered with dew. I remembered walking to the aircraft, doing the pre-flight checks while my family waited for me to say that they could get into the plane. I remember Alison putting David’s earphones on and I remember the smile on his face and how excited he was. It was a moment; a picture in my life I will always love and if I chose to I could re-live that moment again and again and never get bored of it. The five minutes before and the five minutes after that moment I have now lived again countless times. What a gift you’re getting… Permission to go back and experience again one of the most joyous moments of your life again and again. This is just one technique whereby you control your thoughts, however, there are more to come. So let’s begin, as with this skill you literally have built the foundation to certain wealth… As for how you did, well if this is your first read-through then I’m guessing that at best, after a few attempts at holding a positive thought for a few seconds, you dropped the subject and went on with your life. After all why wouldn’t you? That is what I did the first half a dozen times or more I learnt this technique. But the question I should have asked was, ‘why did I?’ And I’m guessing, because I can only guess, why did you not consider that this was important enough to give more thought to? After all I had written earlier: - Well keep going until you can; pull over, stop listening or stop reading and do it until you can! There is nothing more valuable that I am ever going to write than you regaining, or even gaining for the very first time, control of your mind. So did you think I was lying with that comment? Or did you do as we all do and just skim over certain text? Well I’m guessing that some people took the time and did it; they were able to hold one positive thought in their mind for 15