A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 | Page 57

What I didn’t say previously was that 3–4 seconds was actually an achievement in itself, as my mind was continuously talking and jumping between the past and the future, monsters in the closet, terrors waiting for me outside. In truth my mind was never silent. So 3–4 seconds, however awful was actually 3–4 seconds more than I had had in a long time! I also didn’t cover the full power of this technique, this isn’t something that you should or ‘maybe’ might ‘want’ to have a go at. This goes on your MUST DO list, (to do lists by the way are for the weak minded). Where you ‘want’ to put it on your must do list is your choice of course as we all have free will. But without accepting this is a must do, and without actually doing this for yourself, you will simply be holding back the magic power that you have within you. So it is your choice as to when you ‘want’ to start utilising that power to deliver your desires… Taking Back Control From The Nutter Who Is Currently Running Your Show I’m betting I’ve poked the pain hard enough so you may actually do this tiny bit now… Ok, so today you need to think of something from your past; something that makes you feel great when you think about it. It is irrelevant what others think, others do not matter – We are talking about you, others come later as you can’t deliver anywhere near your full measure of help to anyone unless you’ve got yourself right first. You cannot give love if you do not have love. The thought that was the one that did it for me and I think about it daily was, in 2001 I had got my Private Pilots Licence, and they actually let me fly aeroplanes! Having been a nutter on the road for years I couldn’t actually believe they were even letting me learn to fly, let alone fly off on my own! Or worse, look after passengers. But they did and I passed and learnt some wonderful control over my desire to drive fast (and am over that now too). Anyway, my son David was two at the time and I took him flying for the first time. Mum and Alison came too, but it was the sheer joy of seeing him in the back seat with the headphones on that really gave me pleasure and continues to do so. It was that thought which I tried to focus on for just 15 seconds. But I couldn’t even hold a thought that made me feel so good for just 5 seconds! Can you imagine how bad that felt? I was totally out of control of my own mind! Some nutter I didn’t know was running the show and wouldn’t even let me have 15 seconds to think about something that made me feel good! Finally this made me angry enough to demand that I was allowed to do this or I wouldn’t leave the spot.