A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 | Page 54

my mind. The answer was in there otherwise we never would have created all of the success in the first place. At the time we were still living in Cyprus and had a school run to do daily (a 60 minute round trip). So I took the children every day I could and spent time on the way back listening to audio self improvement programs. When I was in my free time, either in the bath, or after the children had gone to bed, I read more of these programs. Then I reached a point, I don’t remember the exact date. There was one program which was telling me to ‘try’ and hold just 15 seconds of positive thought as it would give me huge energy to move forward (it was the second or third time I had listened to this program). I was on the way back from school, and I had chosen my positive thought which always made me feel great whenever I thought about it, and all I had to do was hold it for 15 seconds. Should have been easy! I couldn’t hold it for 3 or 4 seconds without being dragged off by my mind to a problem I had, or what the future might hold, or a choice I’d made in the past that caused another situation. I suddenly realised that I was not in control of my mind anymore! I was not the thinker; my mind was in control of me (this is like the power tool being in control of the carpenter). I pulled the car over immediately and said out loud, “I will think about this for 15 seconds before driving on!” I had made a decision and was not going any further until I was in control again, if just for 15 seconds. After several painful attempts I did it, and drove on. On the way home, every minute or so I held the thought again for another 15 seconds. Throughout the day whenever a problem began to become too much, I stopped and thought about the positive thought and it gave me the energy to carry on and deal with the obstacle. Not only that but I usually had the answer I’d been looking for given to me as I came out of the 15 seconds. I started to make it a habit and started to make notes from all the courses I was doing. I was making notes only about the things I felt I was doing wrong. I would then, as soon as I had finished the course or book, read it all over again. I can speed read, however, I was trying to absorb the information so I ended up creating what I called my Golden Book (see the appendix) which I used to remind myself of the key points all of the time. The elements I was taking from all of the courses were reminding me of the way my mind used to think. I was at an advantage to someone who has never created riches before, because I knew what it looked like when I thought the right way. www.ABugFreeMind.com