A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 | Page 52

dealing with virtually zero income for 2009, which in previous years had not been below a million or two. I was surrounded by negativity in the emails and the responses. Even the positive responses, which I was very grateful for, were still to do with the negative situation. The lack mentality and my life situation were doing their very best to engulf me. I can easily understand how people could commit suicide or just run away if they are in that sort of situation and let their emotions rule their decisions. It’s like being trapped in a cage and waiting to be slaughtered. Frankly it is horrible and I send positive thoughts to all that are in that situation, whether it be from their own doing or not, but I do not feel sorry for them! I do not feel sorry for anyone anymore. Not because I am nasty, just now I understand that this is a lack thought that can hurt and when I see situations where once I would have felt sorry, now I just see a positive outcome for them. I’ll cover this in more depth later on in the book. Back to the point, I was at an all time low and I realised I had lost my automatic success mentality where I was certain of the outcome. I was still able to segment off my days into 30 minutes here or an hour there of positive stuff. But my life situation was pretty much a nightmare for all outside of personal stuff. My mind controlled me by getting me to look at the future constantly or what mistakes and bad choices I’d made in the past. The past and the future was where I was living, the mind kept me out of the present moment as much as it could. Unfortunately I could not create a new future from the future or the past; I needed to be in the present as that is the only place where creation can happen. There was no way my mind would slow down, let alone stop. It was a nightmare, a living nightmare, as I am someone who likes to plan everything and I often joke with people that I don’t go to the toilet without a plan. But how could I plan for this? I was not able to plan my way out because I was continually having rocks thrown at me. It wasn’t just my creditors throwing rocks. Everything I was trying to do to solve the problem, all the new business ideas, were chucking rocks at me as well. Where once everything I tried went right, now it was all going wrong. My mind couldn’t understand what was happening, as it thought ‘Well I am doing what I have done in the past, why is it not producing money now?’ The reason was that I wasn’t quite doing the same things. The key element to creating wealth – where your thoughts are – was in the wrong place. I had a map, but it led to the wrong destination, so each time I tried I ended up in the wrong place. www.ABugFreeMind.com