A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 | Page 49

Ford would say. But that isn’t a line I just say, it is a way of living. And just in case I forget to mention it, I won’t be doing the going bankrupt thing again, as I’ve had a go at this experience and it is something I only needed to do once. I do think though, with hindsight, that I actually needed to go bankrupt for numerous reasons. One of them being my own curiosity and relish in building the blocks up again. I loved that game as a child; the fun wasn’t looking at the blocks constructed, the fun was building up the blocks. In 2003 I said to Alison, we’ve made it now, but wouldn’t it be fun to have it all fall down and I’d get to make it all over again? She said to me don’t you dare do that! She knew what I was like and she knew that’s how my mind worked; I think subconsciously I probably desired this - I know subconsciously I created it. When I knew it was all going to come crashing down, I went through the worst case scenario with Alison. Apart from saying to me that I did it on purpose she also said to me, ‘I don’t care if we lose it all, you made it once, you’ll make it again. If we have to live in ‘government housing’ then it would only be for a short while, while you made us our first money again.’ For richer, for poorer! We were poorer now for sure, as in 2009 I had to ask her to sell her Ferrari to ensure we had money. That was a fun conversation to have! I explained it was only temporary and that one of the first things I would buy her after we were through this would be another Ferrari. So I went bankrupt, and just before going bankrupt, having all this public humiliation and personal threats made against me, whilst all this was going on, I was perfectly still and serene. I had never felt such absolute peace and calmness as I did at that point. I was observing everyone else and their stress, fears, anxiety, worry and yet none of it had any effect on me. It was not that I didn’t care, it was just of no interest to me. It held no benefit for me so why would I choose to allow it in? The journey of how I got calm, how I regained control of my mind and removed all of the invisible obstacles, started a few weeks before everything went public….