A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 | Page 48

of money and this has subsequently been proved. But they ‘believed’ there was, so one of them pushed the button and I was made bankrupt on 21 st December 2009. Now this creditor also knew that between my business partner and myself we owed around £5,000,000 to other personal creditors. So if they had received good advice then it was clear that there would have been an almost certain crystallisation of 80% minimum loss for everyone, and that was the best- case scenario! As they subsequently found out, 20% recovery was not going to happen. This sort of thing is why the banks don’t like to make you bankrupt. They will play the long game and wait to see what happens; the long game isn’t a nice game to play but the odds are a lot better on you winning. Anyway, patience was lost and I was made bankrupt, which of course was the very best place I could have ended up given the then current situation - I was set free! About 8 weeks before I was made bankrupt it all became very public and the intensity of the situation was put into the public eye, however, by that time I was back in control of my mind. During October I had fully regained control, so when it was all kicking off and I was the devil with two heads, I was able to just observe everything. Despite my financial world crashing down around me, the hurtful accusations being said about me online, the obvious anger from all financially concerned and others in general. I was at total peace and contentment and this is simply because I controlled the illusions of fear and worry. This whole experience has forced me to look at my every thought and I have learned and re-learned so much about myself. Many people lost money, but I lost the most money. So I was the biggest financial loser yet - I was also by far the biggest financial winner. This whole experience I saw as the most wondrous gift and I was grateful for it. Why? Because I had no debts and a perfectly functioning, streamlined, improved success engine sitting between my ears. What’s more, I now knew exactly where the line was, I knew just how fast I could take corners in the future. So I had fixed my mind completely and was now just considering the exact ways I would like to use it again. I once again had full control of the power; I could use the law of attraction on purpose again. Of course I had been using it all the time; I was just using it to create the wrong thing. I was obviously not using it to create growth but to create loss. The Universe makes no bones about this, we use the law for good or for bad - it is our choice. I was no longer rich but wealth is something that can never be taken away, it has to be let go of. Wealth is something you are, and I knew I would always be wealthy. I knew I would always make riches again, to me this was just a temporary setback - an opportunity to begin again more intelligently, as Henry www.ABugFreeMind.com