is no book around the corner , or a greener field which has the answer . You have it , you now just have to read and apply it . Remember you are not reading for entertainment , you are reading to learn how to change your life , so use this as a reference book .
If you are just skimming this now to see when you should add this into your reading list then ... it is now ... Well I would say that wouldn ' t I ... But it happens to be true . As no other book in the world gives you a system for thinking ... It ' s the first , a one of a kind and is why this is different ... And before applying new information it is logical to put the system in to handle it first ... So this really is the book for the top of your list as ALL other information follows on after this ... I ' m just being logical for you ... Once you ' ve read it then you ' ll agree with me ... Right now you probably don ' t , hey , that ' s ok it is your choice ... Just attempting to get past your gatekeeper !
Now there is a shortcut to extracting the value out of this book ! The shortcut is to read this book only once , and you will remove probably 70 % of your bugs - which is fantastic . You will tell others what a revelation this book is and how wonderful you now feel . I will have great success from it as you will spread the word . However , your life will probably not be much more of a success . It might be , but it is not something which is ‘ certain ’ yet . To get to certain means you have to remove the vast majority of the bugs . So a second read , would probably get you to 85 %, a third to 88 %, a fourth to 90 %, a fifth to 92 %, a sixth to 93 % and maybe by 50 reads you are in the 96 – 98 % bracket . Basically the exact figures do not matter ; you will never attain 100 % unless you attain enlightenment . And if you do that , then you ’ ll realise that nothing matters anyway and won ’ t be bothered about achieving success . So unless that is your goal then I would suggest aiming for over 90 – 95 %. As it leaves you in a wonderful position and you will be an expert !
This is a process of life change - the vast majority is achieved in the first few weeks , however , the permanent change is cemented in over the following months and years . The point is , this is a real life changer , you will go through this process and discover the real you - what you really ‘ want ’ in life - and you will enjoy the process . Do you remember when you were learning something and it was so good that you wished it would never end ? Well be careful to not rush through and think that you have learnt something when you haven ’ t … this book is about you changing your life , your life is not a race to get to the end as quickly as possible and neither is this book . Read and absorb . The shortcut is really the long route in disguise as unless you change , you will be forced to make the same mistakes all over again . Don ’ t be one of the ones who leaves feeling wonderful at a 70 % removal only to look at your life in five years time and ask what happened ! Fix it now so that it is fixed and stays fixed forever .