A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 | Page 36

How To Get The Most Out Of This Book Y ou probably won’t realise it now but you will one day soon. You were supposed to find this book. You asked for the solution and you found this and even though you may not know it yet, it really is the solution. And yes I am certain that all authors think the same thing about their books too. Well you are the judge of this statement. There are two requirements for you to get the most out of this book 1. You have to know this is the missing piece (that will come naturally soon - do not force it, let it come) 2. You have to read and apply what you are told to (yes, that’s the hard bit!) Here are some techniques to make this as easy as possible. The first thing is to just go with it and don’t look to rush or to force things. Just let things unfold and observe them as they do. Read through the chapters as fast or as slowly as you like, the magic solution is not waiting for you on the final page of the book, the magic is written on every single page. The point of reading this book is not to get to the end and feel that it was good. The point of reading this is you clearing your mind of all hidden bugs so that you can then create by design. You will not be able to absorb everything on the first read through. Stop and re-read a chapter if you didn’t get it. If you didn’t remember a chapter then that’s because your ego doesn’t ‘want’ you even knowing it for an instant and may have even blocked it out. We’ve all read books a second time and found more value in them and thought I don’t remember reading that the first time. Well in this book I go through and remove all of the layers of ‘crud’ which have built up over the years. Just reading any section will mean a massive improvement in your mindset as you will soon find out. However, it is when you have removed all layers fully that you find you attain a clarity which you lost when you left childhood, you will get back your natural success mindset, and it is natural… Don’t let ANYONE tell you otherwise. You were born with a natural success mindset. However, life’s programming screwed it up and continues to screw it up more each and every day. These books get you back to where you were before it all got messed up and give you a structured thinking system to replace the chaotic way you and virtually every other human thinks currently. So it is well worth your while to spend time thinking and re-reading as the upside will last the rest of your life. This is no sales-pitch now, this really does do what it promised to do. The only reason it wouldn’t is if you haven’t ‘absorbed’ this information. There www.ABugFreeMind.com