A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 | Page 32
successful one... And how to take a successful person and how to turn them
into an ultra-successful one.
The system involves an instant technique which is the tool to use to
stop the build up of garbage/junk. Just mastering this tool can take moments to
months depending on the individual and is a process to be enjoyed, but if
applied relaxed can be mastered by most within a week.
This tool then provides a system for controlling your mind. Think
about it as , there was at best semi-organised chaos, at worst anarchy and
now there's order. Then the rubbish (garbage/junk) that's either been installed
in there or created whilst in there must be removed in an orderly process. Once
that is underway then removing the problem which caused the chaos and
anarchy goes in next.
At this point you are in control of your thinking to a reasonable level
and then it involves rooting out 'bugs' in your system and continual repetition in
the area or areas you need fixing... This is the same as with any tool, you pick it
up and use it to complete the job. Learning it is useless, however, applying it
until the problem is fixed results in the desired outcome (this is not rocket
science but does involve common sense and when learnt it gives a person
'uncommon' sense).
Then you have to find out what you truly want, as without knowing that
then you are 'living by accident' not just 'thinking by accident.' So you look at your
past for clues, you experience your future and decide what it is you want to do
with your life. Then you simply design a map of how to get there. Until this
point of life you have been wandering aimlessly about, occasionally going after
something you noticed. This creates the map for your life.
Lastly and most importantly your mind is part of your body and your
body requires maintenance. Just like you feed your body with food you have to
continue to feed your mind with the way to think (or another way to look at it,
is you have to keep your thinking system clean). This is just like doing a
crossword puzzle or word search, or anything you do to entertain your mind.
But you just feed it a little of what it needs to keep your structured thinking
system in order.
The net result is the life you wanted. This is living on purpose and not
living by accident... This is Saltori Thinking and these two A Bug Free Mind
books lay down the process to attain this level of thinking which is very
basically a structure for our natural uncorrupted thinking. Saltori through A
Bug Free Mind gives adults the same natural success guidance system that we
all had naturally when we learnt to walk.