A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 | Page 31
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So Who Taught Us To Think?
We are supposedly taught to think by our parents, but were they right?
Who taught them how to think? No one. So the way we think 'happened by
accident...' We are not taught how to think, we are just shown 'what to think!'
I struggled for years with... 'why do we think it's supposed to be that way?'
I was always questioning why people thought the way they did... Why I
was supposed to think that way too? I didn't understand why they all just
seemed to 'fit in' with the way everyone thought. When I asked people why they
thought that, they'd come out with something like, 'Well that's the way it is!' Or, 'I
don't know, that's what I was told!' Or, 'Everyone thinks it's this!'
I knew I thought differently, but I couldn't ever explain what I meant to
people. When I attempted to explain something, I'd be getting somewhere and
then their thoughts would close in on the subject. At that point it wouldn't have
mattered if the most powerful thing in the Universe had appeared and said,
'Look he's right...' They still would've 'known', not thought, I was wrong.
Now this fascinated me more, why did people know things that weren't
true? Surely there was a fault in this 'knowing' things system we had for thinking.
So I became fascinated about why we 'knew' things that just weren't true.
People said to me things like, 'All this thinking you're doing is dangerous.'
Where did that come from? Was what I'd think, and of course it came from
their fear of the unknown. So what was this irrational fear of nothing, a fear of
something that wasn't there? All of these irrational thoughts my parents, my
peer group and my teachers all had, they all fascinated me...
But then one day a couple of years after I had made my first fortune
and become very successful, I found something else to think about... . I became
fascinated by 'how I was able to succeed where others continued to
struggle for success.' On the face of it these people were no different to me..
I had no special skills, gifts or advantage and definitely not a privileged
background... So why? Why could I easily succeed where others struggled? ...
Up until that point I hadn't realised 'I was successful.' And that my success had
come about because 'I thought differently.'
The Saltori System came about thanks to my interest in finding out why
others couldn't succeed. Then when I discovered that I saw exactly how to take
an unsuccessful person and show them how to turn themselves into a