A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 | Page 29

So we are taught to do virtually everything in life that is considered important enough to be worthy of an adult's time to teach a child. But we are not taught how to think, which is the most powerful tool we have for getting what we want to happen. This understanding has been preached and taught by every great teacher throughout time and is already accepted as the way it should be done. But why haven't we got a thinking system to apply the wisdom of hundreds of thousands of years of experience into our lives? Quite simply it's been missed... Or maybe no one could simplify the wisdom of our ancestors so that everyone could easily apply it... So without a structured thinking system, when you think about it then it isn't any wonder that 99.999% of people fail to get what they want from life... Simply because they don't have a simple easy structured way to think automatically the right way, instead of accidentally thinking the wrong way. Instead of structured thought we just think by accident and we achieve, or in the main do not achieve, because we are using 'accidental thinking' and 'not noticing' (not observing or studying) our poor (low quality) thinking as it occurs. These poor accidental thoughts lead us to our poor decisions, which in turn create outcomes which we didn't want, which in turn lead to a very messy life situation for the majority of people (at least 99.999% of people - so almost everyone, and at times everyone). Then the life situation causes worry, stress, anxiety, depression, fears, overwhelm, and serious self doubt (amongst a whole host of other 'mindset' ailments). And all because we are not taught to think correctly by thinking 'on purpose.' Simply because we have no structured thinking system our thoughts are chaotic. Saltori thinking is similar to say a language, English, French, German, Spanish... Each is simply a language which depending on where we were born we are trained to use. Saltori is just a thinking system to ensure that your thoughts make sense and create the outcome you desire, it just happens to be the first 'thinking language.' To liken what is going on inside people's minds at the moment to Saltori... A person knows each of the words in the language but they have no structure to put them together. For example, a sentence may say, Peter walked down the hill to the shops. But if you only knew the words you may put them in the wrong order.... hill Peter down the to walked shops the... Makes no sense and was accidentally thrown together. Saltori sorts out thoughts in the same way learning English sorts out our understanding. It seemed obvious to me how to think, but then I was in the successful minority, one who failed society's hereditary programming. The challenge was there was no system to teach structured thinking to the majority who were/are