The Saltori System for Structured Thinking
Why do we need a new way of thinking ?
The Saltori System for Structured Thinking
T he books Creating and Using A Bug Free Mind describe the step-by-step details for following the Saltori System for Structured Thinking . These books are powered by Saltori Thinking .
The Saltori System is a ' system of thought ' which allows freedom from pain regarding the negative aspects of life . Then the attainment of dreams to those which change their thoughts by using this ' new way of thinking .' Saltori Thinking is structured thought applied without effort .
Why do we need a new way of thinking ?
We actually need ' a way of thinking ,' not a new one because we don ' t actually have one ! We have no thinking system and so by default we have a chaotic thinking system . This is why we as humans are in so much trouble , there is no structure behind our thinking system . We are naturally benefits driven creatures and so we thought this was enough . It wasn ' t the next stage of evolution is simply a system for structured thinking and that is what Saltori is .
Thinking , or more importantly the way we think , is crucial to our success in life . Our thinking is what distinguishes us from the crowd . Thinking is what makes us unique as an individual and ultimately our thinking determines our desired and actual success in life . " Obviously " you might think , but that in itself is an accidental thought if it hasn ' t been evaluated consciously .
We think accidentally because we were not taught how to think . We are taught to walk , talk , read , write , cook , brush our teeth , clean up our mess , use a computer , drive a car and even fly a plane . We are taught to acquire such skills , as to make them automatic and almost sub / unconscious in their use . Yet the most powerful tool we possess , correct thinking , is left to occur ' by accident .'
Simply , we were never taught how to think , just what to think . It is the lack of a thinking structure which causes all pain in life and in effect pain to oneself and then onto others too . When you install a structured thinking system and use and maintain it , it becomes impossible to consciously cause pain to yourself and to others . Unconsciousness can still occur as we are all human and we slip into unconscious action by default . But by raising our level of thought to a higher level , then less and less pain is created .
www . ABugFreeMind . com