A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 | Page 22
Honestly I did give him all the work, but he just didn’t do it, so I couldn’t help him…’
…You’d go mental if you heard that wouldn’t you? I know I would!
Look, this is a copout of epic proportions, and they turn it back to you
simply because they just don’t know how to fix it! They know their stuff works, so
they assume it must be you... But your mind needs to be in the right position
before it can become successful. They are teaching success from a successful
position, you are attempting to learn to be successful from a position of Anti-
Success... That is why you haven't, can't, and won't ever become successful at
getting what you desire to get from life. But it’s the teacher’s job to get whatever
they’re teaching to work for their pupils! Or at least try! Isn’t it? …Otherwise
what’s the point?
And it’s not as if they don’t know that the children are failing, they have
been failing for years, this is not something new… However, they just don’t
know how to fix it so instead they blame you for not doing it… and you
look at them and think, ‘they are far cleverer than me, so they must be right! I am a
No, No, No… their method of teaching fails 99%+ of people who take
part in their material. They have to become accountable. It’s not you, it’s
them! They just can’t teach it to you so that you actually get it. This is why
you cannot actually make the law of attraction work. This is why you don't have
Total Self Confidence. This is why you Fear Failure... But if 99%+ of children
failed their exams then the teachers would ‘try’ something else wouldn’t they?
No… they wouldn’t! Why not? Because you, the parents, are not
complaining! You are accepting their awful teaching methods as the way it is
and that they must be right. 1% is not a good success rate! I won’t EVER
accept that sort of failure rate. You expect me to go home to my wife and she
says, ‘what did you do today?’ I tell her, ‘I sold 1,000 books, which means 990 people
failed, but at least I got to help 10 people…’ Sorry this is not acceptable, just because
everyone else does it this way I don’t accept it and I never have.
I pondered on this situation for a long, long time and got very passionate
about ways to make more people take action and change their lives. Eventually I
hit on a system of teaching which I thought would work and so I tried it out in
my first bestselling book. And let me tell you, the results were staggering! 12.5%
of readers of my first book sent in a record of their achievements - an average of
£50,000 profit from a £20 book! (Approx $80,000 for a $30 book)
Forget the money for a moment. The important point is I had just got
1,250% better results than the best of the rest in the self help world! But it didn’t
stop there. They were just the ones who ‘actually’ sent in their feedback. Since