A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 | Page 21

Are the millions of people like you who read the personal development books all just ‘thick as two short planks?’ Well after reading hundreds of self- help books myself, certainly I didn’t think so. In fact after several years of research I came to the realisation that all the self help books out there were… written by teachers who were really clever and COULD DO IT, but unfortunately THEY CAN’T TEACH IT! Well actually they can, they can teach it to a very tiny group of people who either are already successful, or WILL BECOME successful from either theirs or another's teachings. You see success teachers currently can only teach the successful minority who still have their natural structured success thinking system. The unsuccessful majority who have lost their natural success system has no chance of learning it... NONE! Well they can learn it, and talk about it and even teach it... They just can't apply it! I know what you’re thinking, that’s not true… some people succeed and you’re right, under 1% do. The truth is... you don't want it to be true... As if it's true then the thought that you've just had in the dark corner of your mind may also be true... That you cannot ever become successful... Now that's a painful thought which you don't like to air too much... But the starting point for you and I is for me to get you to realise that the way you are doing it isn't ever going to work! You first need your mind right and a success guidance system in place... THEN ANYTHING YOU WANT TO DO WILL WORK! But there's something in your mind that will let in things that later it intends to undermine, so I need to give you more evidence before you understand that what I'm telling you is actually right... Gone are the days of your early school years where you just took what the teacher said and made it part of you... Now your far too clever for that, so I need to get this past some very nasty little problems you have inside your mind. But you're probably thinking, surely one of the Personal Development teachers can teach it to you... Well think about how many people watched the film “The Secret”, over 200 million at the last count. Millions of people bought that book from all over the world, watched the DVD, went on to further education, etc …Yet are you seeing millions of millionaires running around? No, me neither! In fact I don’t know ONE PERSON who’s read The Secret who actually has their ideal life! You see, the whole self help industry says ‘Well it’s down to you, you’ve got to take action!’ Of course you have to take action, thank you for stating the bleeding obvious. But for most (in fact all) people there’s mental roadblocks stopping them, and it’s the teacher’s job to help people overcome their problem and succeed! It’s like your children’s teacher, turning round to you at parents evening and saying, ‘Sorry, your child failed every single e ᅴ