ISSUE № 12, OCT 2018
Women In Art : Voices
The Women in Art Organisation of Trinidad and Tobago (WIA) recently presented their
2018 Exhibition entitled "VOICES" at the Art Society on the corner Jamaica Blvd & St Vin-
cent Ave, Federation Park, Trinidad. “Since 1996, the Women in Art Organisation of Trinidad and Tobago has been in ex-
istence with the aim of helping women explore, discover and develop their art techniques, and also assist all young, aspiring
artists in Trinidad and Toba-
go” .Fraulein Rudder, Founder of
WIA, launched the group with twenty-
five members in 1996. The organisa-
tion now boasts an increasing number
of over one hundred and twenty mem-
bers, comprised of art teachers, profes-
sionals, amateurs and aspiring artists
in Trinidad and Tobago. With women
artists from other Caribbean islands
indicating their desire to join and par-
ticipate in the WIA, great things are
expected for this organization.
On the cover of this publication is a
piece done by Kathy Farabi. She is a
Baha’i and her paintings are inspired
by her faith. It is based on a quota-
tion from the Baha’i faith which ba-
sically states that if you have any vi-
olent thoughts, conquer them by a
stronger thought of peace. It should
be noted that currently in T&T, apart
from art being an investment because
its value increases over time, corporate
citizens can also claim for 100% of
their investment on their income tax