Jayson Chua
Designer since:
Designer since:
You need to be creative enough to
stand out from the others.
The variety of contests challenges
me to push myself creatively like
never before.
Jen took a circuitous path to graphic
Milko Jayson Chua discovered his love for
design, discovering her passion only after
drawing in elementary school and he stuck
earning degrees in Molecular Biology and
with it all the way through a degree in Fine
Biomedical Engineering. Just for fun, she
Arts from the University of Santo Tomas.
taught herself Photoshop and Illustrator.
He was working as a senior designer for an
One day, she designed a flyer for a friend’s
international garment manufacturer when
birthday party. After that, the requests
a college buddy told him about 99designs.
started rolling in. Musicians started
Milko gave it a try and it wasn’t long before
asking her for promotional materials for
he was earning as much as he did from his
their gigs, which is how Jen wound up
other job. That’s when he quit to concen-
specializing in concert posters. She
trate on freelancing full-time. Milko loves
describes her style as “constantly
99d both for the way it forces him to
evolving.” For somebody who stumbled
improve his skills and for the relationships
into graphic design almost by accident,
he forges with clients.
she’s got a heck of a success story.