Tangguh joined 99designs for the humble purpose of
having fun and making a little extra money. But what
started as a side project has become a major source of
income, having won nearly one hundred contests to
date with several repeat clients. Tangguh’s artistic style
and inventive illustrations keep clients coming back for
more. But his real hook is his ability to understand the
power of great design. “Through design it’s easy to
distinguish between a quality newspaper and a ‘cheap
paper.’ Or distinguish between a small company and a
bona fide company.”
Tangguh Karya
Designer since:
Art has always been a huge part of
While he’s inspired by a range of things including
Tangguh’s life. His uncle, also an artist,
books, movies and the work of David Smith, many of
introduced Tangguh to the world of art as
Tangguh’s designs are inspired Yogyakarta’s culture in
a kid. Growing up in the creative city of
celebration of his hometown. He calls the influence of
Yogyakarta, India, Tangguh’s love for the
Yogyakarta “the influence of spirit” in his work.
arts only flourished as he grew older, and
However, Tangguh’s biggest source of inspiration
he eventually decided to pursue the field
remains his son; “For me he is the most beautiful.” It’s
of graphic design.
always great to see art and life collide.