Mike Barnes
Designer since:
Designer since:
I’m inspired to go beyond my
comfort zone, push the boundaries and compete for the win.
I witnessed some AMAZING
concepts from my fellow designers.
Mike left a city life for the Canadian
Adrian created his first logo at the tender
countryside and is now his own boss. He’s
age of 15. It was for a small bar in his
living the dream, but this wasn’t always
grandfather’s village and all he had to work
the case. Mike was an Archeologist, but
with was paper, pencil, a ruler, and paint.
reconsidered his career choice when he
For his next project, he designed letters to
was left stranded in a major snowstorm
help kids learn the alphabet, which
while on a job. He was out there for two
sparked his love for typography.
days and had to be rescued by helicopter.
As exciting as this may sound, Mike
When computers entered the scene, it
decided he preferred something a little
changed everything. Adrian surrendered to
more tame and, as he puts it, “Web
the inevitable and quickly learned
design sort of fell into my lap.” He worked
Photoshop. His career took a big leap when
with agencies of all sizes, as well as the
a cousin introduced him to 99designs. It
government. Although these jobs
was the perfect opportunity to meld his
provided security, they didn’t stoke his
own creativity with the platform and bring
creative fires. Mike found 99d and it gave
great projects to life. His advice to other
him the creative freedom he craved.
designers? “Breaking the rules can
produce amazing results.”