Designer since:
Designer since:
Motivation is the feeling you get
when you create a design your
client loves.
99designs is my window into the
With more than 100 contest wins under
When Marko first heard of 99designs, he
her belt, you wouldn’t think Kim Hubball
was baffled. A platform that would connect
would know a whole lot about losing, but
him to clients around the world, without
she believes losing contests is a big part
having to leave his bedroom? It must be a
of her success. She sees each loss as an
joke, he thought. Marko’s dubious mindset
experience that helps her improve her
quickly shifted when he won his first
skills and further establishes her presence
contest less than a week after joining.
in the community. This optimism has
Since then, Marko’s built a global network
served her well.
of clients that love his animated style.
United Kingdom
99designs has become his passport to the
Kim found her way to 99designs after
world. “Yesterday it was an illustration for
leaving her job as a motion graphics
a Dutch client, today an animation for a
designer to stay home with her son. She
company in Hong Kong. It almost feels like
needed something that would satisfy her
I am travelling the world myself.” We were
creative side and 99d fit the bill, giving
right —design does ignore borders!
her an avenue for honing her skills and
earning some cash. That initial experiment turned into a business, working her
own hours while caring for her son. As
Kim says, “To me, that’s priceless.”