by creativesoul31
Writing and editing the book herself was a
breeze, but designing the cover was not. Not
knowing exactly what she wanted, Olivia
turned to 99designs to help with some
ideas. And ideas she got! Olivia loved all the
Olivia has been writing her creative heart
out for the past six years. Unfortunately, her
books were remaining hidden in an
electronic stash inside of her computer
rather than prominently displayed on the
bookshelf. Earlier this year, encouraged by
her entrepreneurial husband’s fondness for
the do-it-yourself approach, Olivia decided
to self-publish her latest novel, The
designs so much, she had to resort to a
Facebook poll to choose “the one.” In the
end, Olivia’s experience with 99designs
proved self-publishing wasn’t as scary as it
seemed — she’s already released a second
novel! “We live in the most propitious time
to be entrepreneurs. With access to
websites like Facebook, Goodreads,
Amazon, and 99designs, all of our dreams
can be made possible.” And the 99designs
Pulitzer goes to…