9468_2024_Product_Catalogue_Final | Page 26

Provides excellent control of a broad spectrum of annual grass and broadleaf weeds . Use this soil-incorporated formulation in a range of management systems .
ACTIVE INGREDIENT Trifluralin 10 %, Group 3
Canola , flax , faba bean , lentil , pea , mustard , sunflower , soybean , dry bean , barley , alfalfa and summerfallow .
Annual grasses : Bluegrass , barnyard grass , bromegrass , cheatgrass ( downy brome ), crabgrass , goosegrass , green and yellow foxtail , Persian darnel , stinkgrass and wild oats *.
Annual broadleaf weeds : Carpetweed , chickweed , cow cockle , knotweed , lamb ’ s-quarters , pigweed , purslane and wild buckwheat .
TANK MIXES Sencor , Lexone , Avadex BW or Basagran .
Read and follow all label directions . Application timing and rates are dependent on crop , soil organic matter , environment conditions and re-cropping restrictions .
PACKAGING 454 kg mini-bulk
• Do not apply to soils which contain more than 15 % organic matter such as peat or muck soils ( maximum 10 % organic matter on barley ).
• Do not apply to wet soils that are subject to flooding .
• Do not apply to soils that are extremely lumpy , cloddy or in poor working condition .
• For maximum weed control and crop tolerance , follow label directions at all times . Read all directions before applying BONANZA 10G granular herbicide .
A liquid herbicide with excellent control of a broad spectrum of annual grass and broadleaf weeds . Use this soil-incorporated formulation in a range of management systems .
ACTIVE INGREDIENT Trifluralin 480 g / L , Group 3
TANK MIXES Sencor , Lexone , Avadex BW or Basagran
Canola , barley , flax , sunflowers , mustard , lentils , peas , faba beans , soybeans , dry beans and alfalfa establishment ( flax and canola cover crops only ).
Annual grasses : bluegrass , barnyard grass , bromegrass , cheat , crabgrass , goosegrass , green and yellow foxtail , Persian darnel , stinkgrass and wild oats *.
Annual broadleaf weeds : carpetweed , chickweed , cow cockle , knotweed , lamb ’ s-quarters , pigweed , purslane and wild buckwheat .
Application Timing and Rates
Application timing and rates are sensitive to crop , soil organic matter and environmental conditions . Refer to the label for complete instructions .
PACKAGING : Case : 2 x 9.46 L , Tote : 984.1 L
USE RESTRICTIONS Spring application
Apply in the spring and before the crop or weed emergence . It must be incorporated thoroughly into the soil to control susceptible germinating weeds . The first incorporation must be done no later than 24 hours after application . The second incorporation may be done at the time of seedbed preparation provided it is done at the recommended depth .
Read and follow all incorporation instructions . Spring application is not recommended for flax and lentils .
Fall application
Check application rates and incorporation instructions on label . Ensure timely incorporation . Apply between September 1 and before soil freeze-up for weed control the following year . Two incorporations in the fall are recommended to be followed by shallow tillage ( 5 – 8 cm ) in the spring before planting . If this is not an option , the first incorporation within 24 hours of spraying can be followed by a second in the spring when the seed bed is being prepared .
Always read and follow label directions . All products listed are trademarks of their respective companies .
Crop Protection 23