9468_2024_Product_Catalogue_Final | Page 25

Trigon herbicide is a pre-seed product with three active ingredients for use with glyphosate ahead of planting canola to help manage resistant weeds , including early extended control of cleavers .
Group 6 - IPCO Brotex 4AT ( Bromoxynil present as ester 480g / l ) Group 14 - IPCO C-Zone ( Carfentrazone-ethyl 240g / L ) Group 13 - IPCO Clomazone 360 g / L
CROPS Canola
* when tank mixed with glyphosate - review product label for weed staging
Volunteer Canola ( all types ), annual sow thistle , chickweed , cleavers , dandelion , flixweed , kochia , lamb ' s quarters , narrow-leaved hawk ' s beard , russian thistle , shepherd ' s purse , smartweed , tall waterhemp , wild buckwheat .
• IPCO Brotex ® 4AT : 9.7L jug ; 121 mL / acre ; Bromoxynil @ 58 gai / acre
• IPCO C-Zone : 1.2L jug ; 15 ml / acre ; Carfentrazone-ethyl @ 3.6 gai / acre
• IPCO Clomazone : 10L jug ; 134 ml / acre ; Clomazone @ 48 gai / acre
• 80 acre / case
TANK MIXES Glyphosate at minimum 0.5REL / acre
A post-emergent broadleaf herbicide ( containing Bromoxynil ) for use in wheat ( spring and winter ), barley , oats , flax ( including low linolenic varieties ), corn , fall rye , canary grass ( for seed production ), triticale , garlic , seedling grasses , zero till and seedling Alfalfa ( established alfalfa for seed production only ). Brotex 4AT controls wild mustard , lady ’ s thumb , green smartweed , stinkweed , common ragweed and many other broadleaf weeds .




ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Bromoxynil ( Present as an Ester ) 480 g / L / Group 6 Herbicide
CROPS For use in wheat ( Spring and Winter ), barley , oats , flax ( including low linolenic acid varieties ), corn , fall rye , canary seed ( for seed production ), triiticale , garlic , onion ( dry bulb only ), seedling alfalfa , established alfalfa ( for seed production only ), and seedling grasses , forage sorghum , forage millet , as a pre-seed / pre-plant application prior to planting canola , zero till and summer fallow .
FOR CONTROL OF cow cockle , kochia , lady ' s thumb , lamb ' s quarters , pigweed , ragweed , russian thistle , smartweed , stinkweed , volunteer canola , wild buckwheat , wild mustard .
Ensure appropriate rate is selected based on weed type and stage .
APPLICATION TIMING Varies with weed , crop stage and method of application . Refer to the label for timings and rates
APPLICATION RATES AND PACKAGING 244-284ml / ac ; 34-40acres / jug
TANK MIXES Varies with crop type ; refer to label .
Do not use in residential areas , which are defined as sites where bystanders may be present during or after spraying , including homes , schools , parks , playgrounds , playing fields , and public buildings . Apply only when the potential for drift to areas of human habitation or areas of human activity such as houses , cottages , schools , and recreational areas is minimal . Take into consideration wind speed , wind direction , temperature inversions , application equipment , and sprayer settings .
22 Crop Protection
Always read and follow label directions . All products listed are trademarks of their respective companies .